Thursday, May 16, 2013

Enjoy meeting each other (icebreaker activity)

Funny icebreaker activity.

The aim of the activity is to help the students enjoy meeting each other. As everybody knows, some students are a little shy becauce they do not know each other. Using this activity helps to deal with this problem since there are funny questions that students ask each other. When students asks this questions to a partner, the student will feel that he has met his partner before.

 The studens have to make a group and then the teacher will provide them  some those icebreaker questions to each student. They will have to choose a partner an then ask one of the question. The other student will feel comfortable to answer tthat question because it does not require much effort to answer but a lot of honesty and confidence...Here are a list of questions that atudents can use.
-If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be an why?
-If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be?
-What favorite color are you and how deos being that color make you feel?
- Are you spring, summer, fall or winter? Please share why.
Answering these questions, you will laugh with your classmates and at the end of the activity, you will know each other and also you will feel like talking to your classmates. Not only will students do that but they will know aech other more deeply. For Instance, when a person answer the fist question above, he/she will describe his/her personality traits and characteristics.... Enjoy the activity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bily
    I really love this ice-breaking activity
